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New year update

nicola keating   Sat 09 Jan 2016   updated: Wed 24 Feb 2016

I'm sure as most of you know (probably hard to miss the texts, emails, facebook and twitter newsfeed) we have moved!

Our new place is in Monkstown Village Centre but most of you will know it as being where the tesco express, mauds icecream, ashers bakery and ToTo chinese is.

It has a ground floor location,disabled access with disabled toilet and most importantly FREE car parking spaces!!!. Inside we have a large reception with beverages and snacks while you wait with a comfortable seating area and ambient music. Our clinic room is spacious, bright and comfortable.

I am so pleased with the move and so far all our patients have been very impressed with the change of venue.

New place brings new people! We have a new podiatrist Raymond Robinson who has joined us part time as a clinical podiatrist. He works full time as a podiatry lecturer at UUJ with a keen interest in nail surgery, biomechanics and steriod injections. He is a fantastic addition to our growing Activefeet team. I even asked him to do my in-grown toenail surgery on myself in November and I'm very pleased and painfree with the outcome (I wouldn't hire someone who I wouldn't let touch my feet!).

We are now open 6 days a week including 2 late nights.

Monday 9am to 5pm (Nicola)

Tuesday 9am to 8pm (Nicola and Raymond evening)

Wednesday 9am to 5pm (Nicola)

Thursday 9am to 8pm (Anna and Nicola evening)

Friday 9am to 1pm (Nicola)

Saturday 9am to 1pm (Raymond or Anna)

Erena provides reflexology on the last Saturday of every month between 9am and 4pm which can be booked through our clinical appointments by phone or through a separate online booking service through our website.

Looking forward to the up-coming year,

Thanks, Nic!